Steinbrenner’s annual talent show aimed its spotlight on many talented students on January 28th. Its acts were eager to show the audience what they were made of. Lara Anid took 1st place with her original song, “The Tides.” Anid wrote, sang, and performed the song on the piano to earn her well-deserved first-place position. Second place was given to Ashton Tejeda who played the guitar and sang to “Georgia” by Vance Joy. Tejeda and Anid had kept the crowd

Lara Anid performing her song "The Tides".
Lara Anid performing her song “The Tides.”

lively as votes were being counted by performing a duet to “Stressed Out” by Twenty One Pilots. The People’s Choice was awarded to Jessica Berringer and her cover of “I Can Do Better Than That” from Last Five Years’ soundtrack. The upbeat performance earned her the majority of the crowd’s votes.

The night was filled with many beautiful voices and interesting routines accompanied with Mathew Balkum and Gabriela Johnson dressed up as pirates to announce each contestant. There were a few acts of the night that still deserve a bit of the spotlight that the winners received. Shivani Ramesh performed a unique circus act. Dressed in a deep pink ballet outfit, she twirled her broom with a ribbon attached to its end to a pleasant instrumental track. This was the most interesting act of the night and it surprised the crowd in the best way possible. Yalexi Miro sang “Extraordinary” and had the crowd clapping to the beat in mere seconds. Her amazing and powerful voice kept the crowd excited through the entire song. Last to perform but certainly not the least memorable, Marcus Jackson performed a hip hop dance to Chris Brown’s “Turn Up the Music.” Jackson seemed to be a robot in disguise as his tutting skills stunned the audience and ended the night on a very high note.

Hannah Makholm // Head of Graphics

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