Throughout every school year, teacher Beverley Jarrett does multiple school-wide drives like the annual Bear Drive, where Jarrett gave over 3,000 bears to the Tampa Bay Rough Riders, which went to sick children in the area. However, now it is time for her annual “Jeans for Teens” drive. For this collection, which she has been doing for 6 years,  Jarrett is backed by the help of the National Honor Society, her Senate class and other students.

Jarrett does this collection to help the homeless people in the community and because, “It’s a competition, and I love competition,” said Jarrett.

All jeans will go to the Aeropostale store at Citrus Park mall. Aeropostale teams up with the non-profit organization Do Something for the drive. There they will then distribute the jeans throughout Hillsborough county.

This drive began 6 years ago when Jarrett received an email from Aeropostale explaining the program. Jarrett feel in love with the program because she thought it was a very easy item to collect because everyone has an old pair of jeans to give away to those in need.

The drive ends February 28, so “Everyone needs to bring their jeans in,” said Jarrett.

Fernando Mallicote // Staff Writer

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