[From the right] Seniors Taylor Thayer and Erica Lobel, along with junior Hannah Hilbelink practice their routine before performing "Wolf Child" at the state competition.
[From the right] Seniors Taylor Thayer and Erica Lobel, along with junior Hannah Hilbelink practice their routine before performing “Wolf Child” at the state competition.
Over the span of March  24 and 25, members of the Leadership and Centerstage Drama departments left for a week long convention  and competition in Downtown Tampa.

While there, students not only perform award winning scenes for further titles, but take various theatre classes to better themselves as performers. Some of which include improvisation, danceing, acting, direction, and playwriting.

As of late, the department’s one act play “Wolf Child” (that won a Superior at the district level) has won straight Superiors at the State competition.

Keep checking back here for more updates and photos from the competition.

Emily Goldbach / Opinion Editor

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