The One Blood organization takes its bus to all the high schools in Hillsborough county. Students, above the age of 16 only, sign up during their lunch period and receive a pass to board a Red Bus during the designated time, allowing students to donate blood. On Feb. 27, the buses visited Steinbrenner.

Several buses pull into the bus lot during school, giving students the opportunity to donate blood throughout the school day.


Once inside the bus, with any necessary paperwork is completed, students take a seat at any available bed and remain there until they finish donating one pint of blood.


Sophomore Mason Floyd, and any other students that donated, receive t-shirts as a thank you for donating.


One of the many nurses that were on location, making sure everything is running smoothly.



As students lay in the bed waiting or in the middle of donating, there are plenty of posters around that thank donors and discuss what exactly giving blood means.



Aliya Leary // Staff Writer

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