March 17th-19th Steinbrenner’s Law team competed in their first state competition. Teams from each county came to the Orlando court house in hopes of winning a mock criminal trial.

Each team consists of two lawyers, Lindsey Mosby (senior) and Jose Ribas (senior), and the rest are considered witnesses, Madison Sieckowski (senior),Shane Ali (senior), Bailey Duran (sophomore), Devin Bagli (senior) and Greg Beauregard (junior). They had four months to prepare their witnesses and compile their evidence for a criminal court case. They all have learned these skills from their court procedures and law studies classes which teaches them the different trials and procedures used in court rooms.

“You got to go up against people and try to win cases. It was so fun because you had the full experience of a criminal court case. You dressed like a lawyer, had your own defendant and had to fight for your case,” said Mosby.

The team won the professionalism award which requires the team to be the most professional in and out of the court room. The winner of this award is decided by other competing teams.

“You have to be prepared and have good questioning while treating everyone with respect because these competitions are so competitive things can get out of hand,” said Mosby.

Along with the professionalism award, the team gained experience in the court room, social skills and confidence for future competitions.

Ariel Cox// Centerspread Editor

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