Although only half of the senior class was in attendance, Grad Bash was still a night to remember as seniors from high schools across the county and state came to celebrate together.

Seniors Ryann Martin and Marissa Hibel share a few Butter Beers in Universal’s Harry Potter World. The girls later went on to enjoy the ride.
Seniors Ryann Martin and Marissa Hibel share a few Butter Beers in Universal’s Harry Potter World. The girls later went on to enjoy the ride.

For all intents and purposes, the night was a success, and students reported having an extremely memorable evening. However, initially setting students on edge were the slew of cops everywhere, and many said they couldn’t leave the park without being followed. Even though it was an amusement park, students expressed it felt more akin to visiting an airport, as students emptied their pockets, went through a minor pat-down, and kept their school id’s handy for an identity check. It’s worthy to note that this was all prior to getting on the bus to leave school.

As for the event itself, students were allowed to visit both parks, but attendees were dropped at the main park and expected to leave from the Islands of Adventure side. As for lines, the park was crowded, but the only rides with unbearable waits were the Hulk rollercoaster and the main Harry Potter attraction.

Senior Michael Hamp expressed his satisfaction with the momentous event.

“We went on most of the rides and had a lot of fun. Some of the waits were tedious, but overall we had a blast. Grad Bash was awesome,” said Hamp.

Many seniors opted out of going to Grad Bash because they would only be there for 6 hours and with all the other costs associated with senior year, $110 for a short excursion to Orlando may have appeared like a waste, however there was actually a lot of time.
“I had a fantastic time, I certainly enjoyed exploring the parks with friends,” said senior Matthew Burge.

For many, it didn’t matter how long they had been there, or how high security was. The night in and of itself was about having fun and forgetting exams and deadlines for 6 hours, however briefly it may seem.


Logan Conrad // Chief Copy Editor 


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